The Great Vault Carry

The Great Vault

The Great Vault in Dragonflight is the updated and re-envisioned version of the weekly cache item loots of Shadowlands. The boost of the Great Vault will allow players to have up to 9 item options with a top 522 item level (528 ilvl for PvP) to select from.

Both PvP and PvE Great Vault carry services are available to buy in order to increase the number of gear options.

Boost takes: ~1-3 days | Start time: Flexible schedule.
The Dragonflight Great Vault weekly boost includes:
  1. Unlock of 1-9 gear item options per weekly cooldown.
  2. Selection of 506-522 item level gear pieces in the weekly cache.
  3. Completion of x1, x4, or x8 Mythic + Dungeons (if the option is chosen).
  4. The defeat of all bosses in the current raid (normal/heroic).
  5. Farming of 1250, 2500, or 5500 PvP rated honor points on arena/solo shuffle (if selected).

Please note that the quality of the item in terms of item level ranging from 506-522 depends on the difficulty level of the content. Therefore the more higher is the difficulty of your weekly achievements the higher is the item level of the item options within the Great Vault. PvP rewards depend on your highest PvP rating, taken from 2v2, 3v3, RBG or Solo Shuffle.

You may select the required difficulty through the options or by talking to one of our support managers before ordering the Great Vault carry service. Additionally please check the basic requirements to have GV boost completed fast and smooth.

  • 70 level;
  • no specific ilvl gear is required.

How does Great Vault work?

Just imagine how cool it would be if you could select the item you get from a weekly cache in BFA? Getting a high item level weapon or a trinket instead of useless bracers with the wrong stats on them sounds great. Now you can do that with the Great Vault boost in Dragonflight.

Every weekly reset you can complete a set of 9 challenges allowing you to expand the pool of high-item level weekly gear by 1 item. Although you might still select only 1 piece of gear at the end, having a choice makes it a better trade-off rather than pray for an RNG. So what are the challenges of the Great Vault?

  1. PvE raid challenge (3-5-7 bosses killed).
  2. PvE Mythic+ dungeons challenge (1-4-8 mythic plus dungeons cleared).
  3. PvP Rated Honor points farming challenge (1250-2500-5500 points obtained).

Don’t miss the perfect chance to get an advantage during the Season 4 of the Dragonflight. Order the Great Vault boosting service from a pro carry team and enjoy the selection of the BiS gear items straight from the first week of season 4.

How to complete Great Vault challenges in Dragonflight?

The completion of the Great Vault objectives depends on the content difficulty and scales accordingly. Therefore if You clear heroic raid bosses you get a selection of heroic ilvl gear at the end of the week. The same goes for the mythic + keystone difficulty and the PvP rating.

How to get a Great Vault weekly boost?

It is very simple, depending on the item level of the gear you are aiming to get at the end of the week you mich chose the option in the Great Vault carry product. We recommend you to do the following:

  • aim for the at least one highest 522 ilvl gear option per week;
  • do it in Mythic+ or raid challenges and then expand variety with PvP;
  • if additional lower difficulty content compiled the ilvl of secondary reward will decrease;
  • read carefully about the Mythic + Great Vault rewards here;
  • if you still have questions speak to our 24/7 support manager.

In any case, getting Great Vault boosted for at least 1 522 ilvl item a week will help your character development much faster and therefore more efficient. Order the Great Vault carry service from Boosthive and start harvesting top loot straight from the start of the expansion.

Great Vault rewards levels depending on the content difficulty

The more difficult content gives much better weekly rewards. We've prepared the full list of all rewards from all types on activities in Dragonflight for your comfort.

Type of content Weekly rewards
Normal raid 493-502 ilvl
Heroic raid 506-515 ilvl
Mythic+ 6 515 ilvl
Mythic+ 8 519 ilvl
Mythic+ 10 519 ilvl
1400-1599 rating 528 PvP ilvl
1600-1799 rating 528 PvP ilvl
1800-2099 rating 528 PvP ilvl
2100+ rating 528 PvP ilvl
The Great Vault